About me


My intense passion for tranquillity amongst the crowds and great interest in bridging the gap between communities has aspired me to create a blog such as this. I hope to share my adventures and stories as I travel throughout all of Japan. Finding such tranquil locations and photo opportunities has proven difficult, especially living in the biggest city in the world, Tokyo, however my motivation drives me forward. As well as this, I hope you enjoy reading my stories and immersing yourself in the stories as I lay them out.


Camera: Sony a6000 | Lens: E 55-210mm F4.5-6.3 OSS | Photoshop | Lightroom
2 Years of Photo Editing Experience
1 Year of Photography Experience

Textbooks: Tobira & Japanese The Spoken Language
2 Years of University Study
1 Year of Self Study

6 Years of Adobe Suite Experience
– Photoshop
– Lightroom
– Illustrator

How did i
get here?

At the heart of my passion has always been the ability to connect with people. One of the biggest ways I have found to do this is through bridging the gap in languages and cultures and to fully commit myself to learning a new language, Japanese. The ability to translate emotion and meaning into my messages to someone who knows very little of my home country has been something that has inspired me to drive harder and harder to pursue my dream of becoming a teacher and giving the future generations the skill I have been seeking my entire life, the ability to bridge that gap between minds and hearts. After many tries of figuring out what could push me to ​strive for more, I finally believe that I can say I found that motivator. I believe that if I was able to work through the options I had ahead of me and find the one true thing, then you can too. Despite being so incredibly unsure of my future, I pushed myself through trying out each of my opportunities to find the one subject I wish to call my career and joy in life. Each speed-bump I ran into refined the future I have planned out for myself today. Due to this, I have decided to pursue a career in Japanese language at the University of Missouri-St. Louis as well as Toyo University. Alongside my study and career pursuit, I have been attempting to share my journey with others and provide helpful resources when it comes to learning the language and attending schools similar to those of which I attend.


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